Kunsthandel Schmidt-Felderhoff
About the dealer
Markus Schmidt and Claudia Schmidt-Felderhoff have their store in the medieval "Haus zum roten Hahn" from 1307, which they bought in 2013 and lovingly restored themselves. Now, after years of work, they can present a medieval gem.
In these unique showrooms you will find a select range of high-quality old art from antiquity to classicism on two levels. Their own restoration workshop is one of the cornerstones of their trade.
Their offer includes works of art, paintings and furniture of the Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque periods.
Markus Schmidt restores with his own hands, and not least because of his 30 years of experience at a high level. The repertoire includes furniture, wooden objects, settings to gilding.

Kunsthandel Schmidt-Felderhoff
Herrenstrasse 4
96049 Bamberg